Wednesday, February 26, 2014

feb 24, 2014

Well family, another transfer has ended and another transfer has begun. I'm now officially on the decline of my mission. Gah. I'm not too pleased with that thought, and people have been writing me letters, telling me how much time I have left. 

I've already told you this through emailing Ginnie, but I'm staying in Berkeley YSA for another transfer!! At the end of this transfer, if I stay for another transfer in Berkeley, half of my mission will be in Berkeley!! And I'm training once again! I can't believe it! That was the most surprising thing ever. I hope that I can do a good job with this. 

Nothing much has been happening. Our investigators are using agency their wrong way and saying their too busy to meet with us. I don't know what to do with them all. Man....we'll see. 

Sorry this is so short, but I honestly don't know what else to say. I'll have a longer email next week with my new companion and all. 

Love you all family so much. Miss you soooo much

--Sister Kim

feb 18, 2014

Hey family!!!

I don't have much time right now, unfortunately, so this is going to be my family email to you this week!
So this picture is from my "grandma" Sister Chan!! She came to visit and we took a very special picture! Let me explain:
First off, from left to right the names are Sister Campos, me, Sister Chan, Sister Campbell (the one in the purple), Sister Zhao, and Sister Wang. 
So let's see if I can explain this without it getting complicated:
Sister Chan trained my trainer Sister Li (not in the picture). Sister Li trained Sister Campbell and me. Sister Campbell trained Sister Zhao, and Sister Zhao is training Sister Wang. And I'm training Sister Campos. So! Sister Chan is Sister Campbell's and my grandma. Sister Li is our mother. Sister Campbell and I are sisters. Sister Zhao is my niece, Sister Wang is my great niece, Sister Campos is my daughter. Sister Zhao is cousins with Sister Campos, and Sister Wang is Sister Chan's great-great-granddaughter. And Sister Campos and Sister Zhao are Sister Chan's great-granddaughters! Isn't that AWESOME?! We're all related together in the mission life! Posterity indeed! 

Hmmm what else. February is almost over already?! What?! Where did it go?! This is week 6 of the transfer! Next week I'll be letting you know what's happening with me for the next transfer! AH! I can't believe how fast time is flying by! This is the top of the hill! I'm over the hill now! -_- Good thing I still have a lot of time left!!

Thanks for the packages for Valentines by the way! I feel really loved! 

The miracle from this past week is that we saw one of our investigators twice this week! That used to be a normal thing (as it should), but with everyone's schedules being super super difficult and crazy, seeing them even once in the week is a miracle. So meeting twice was bigger than a miracle! And he's progressing so much! The next time we see him we want to talk about baptism and try and get him to commit to a date. Keep praying and hoping that he does! 

We went to the temple this morning which was amazing as always! The Lord is wonderful, isn't He? And the gospel is fantastic! I love it with all my heart. My understanding of so many different things have expanded so much on my mission. And I realized earlier today just how many people I've met on my mission, and how many of them have blessed my life. And all of this because I got called to be on a mission here in California. And I realized that none of this would've happened if I didn't go on a mission! I could go to anywhere in the world pretty much and be able to stay at someone's house! That's how international it is here and how blessed it is! God is good. 

The weather is starting to warm up a bit, but right now it looks like it's going to rain soon. Which is good because we need the rain right now. My email last week mentioned about the rain, but it's not enough! We still need water! We're all still praying for it! 

On a sadder note (I think it's sad), I'm gaining so much weight. NOOOOOO. And I'm SO out of shape! I didn't realize how bad it was until lately. I walked about 2 flights of stairs and a little hill and I was dying! Before my mission I could go for like 5 flights of stairs and be fine! GAH. Good thing I don't have to worry about this stuff until after, but still!
Also, I have a request. It's the request I've had since the beginning of my mission. Can someone send me some skirts? Maybe a black flowy one? Like one that isn't a pencil skirt. And a different kind? Make sure it's long enough to cover my knees! There's no point in buying the skirt if it doesn't cover the knees! :) 

Well, that's about it familia. My Spanish, Russian, and Korean are doing just fantastic. I'm going to keep my goal of picking up Spanish again and learning Russian. It's going to happen! 
I love you so much family. I miss you all so much, and I'm praying for you all the time. I hope you're doing well! Keep on smiling and laughing, and loving the Lord will  your heart, might, mind, and strength!!!
Love you all sooooo much. 

--Sister Kim

feb 10, 2014

Hello family!!!!

Again, as always, time is going by so fast. I don't like talking about how long I've been out now because it just seems to make it seem to go by faster. :( 
Anyway, great news! I've seen plenty of miracles lately!!!

First off, the title of this email is a little play-on words. Let me share a story:
So California was really worried about the water levels lately because if it didn't rain anytime soon, we'd be in the worst drought California has seen. So the church had a special fast for rain and we all joined in for this fast and testimony meeting this month. 
So last Sunday, we all woke up to rain. We were all really happy about that and thinking "This is great!" but the rain stopped after a while. 
We get to sacrament meeting and our bishopric was telling us that the weather forecast wasn't showing any luck for rain; none at all, the jetstreams weren't even in our favor. So they said to keep praying and have faith that it'll happen. 

Well, this past week it's been raining constantly. From a little drizzle to a huge downpour, the rain has not stopped this whole week. Literally. Today is the first day it has stopped raining since February 2. We're still a little short on water, but we're a LOT better off than before this past week!
WOW! It really is a miracle. 

The next miracle is that we got to hear from ELDER COOK! :D An apostle of the Lord came to visit just our mission!!! Just us missionaries!!! WOW! How awesome is that?! And we all got to shake his hand and say hello. His wife came too!! AH!!! I met an apostle!!!! 
We found out that he and his wife lived in the San Francisco stake for 33 years. They first moved here for Elder Cook to attend Stanford Law and then they just stayed because they loved it so much. He said they would've stayed longer if he wasn't called to be an apostle. So cool! 
What was really cool, and the miracle of it all, is that when he was talking it felt so personal and awesome. And then at the end he spent some time bearing his testimony, and it was like watching general conference again. His testimony and spirit was so strong and he just bore his testimony so strongly. That whole time with Elder Cook made me feel like I was talking with our Heavenly Father in person, one-on-one. It was so amazing. Lots of things he said were what I really needed to hear. 

The next miracle is that we received like 6 referrals and 4 potentials this week! We're trying to get a hold of them, but we're so excited that we have so many people to try and teach the gospel! Blessings are so real in missionary work! The Lord has blessed us so much. We haven't been able to teach anyone this week because of school and work and homework, but we've seen so many blessings in other ways. 

The next miracle is that 2 of our potentials came to church yesterday. They have no clue about church because they're from China and here as exchange students. They came and they were a little confused, especially with the sacrament, but they still really liked it! They're going to come institute on Tuesday and they're going to meet with us that evening as well! Hurray! They're so nice and willing to learn! I'm excited to teach them. 

Next miracle is that my friend serving in Daegu right now is going to get 고모's address to his zone leaders this week! I gave it to him, hoping it'd be in his area, but it's just right outside of his area. But that's really exciting! Finally our family has the chance to learn about the gospel. I'm praying really hard that they will be willing to hear what they have to share. I hope that it goes well. We shall see what happens!

Also, a guy who served in Russia for his mission was in the visitors' center on Saturday with his daughters and waiting for his wife to come out of the temple. I told him I was trying to learn Russian on my own and I showed him my notes and my testimony that I had written out in Russian to him to see what advice he could give me on learning, etc. Well he checked out everything that I wrote and was REALLY impressed with how much I've learned on my own! We spoke a little bit in Russian so he could see what I knew. And then he taught me some basic grammar and pronunciation things for Russian. It was awesome! He was so willing to take time and write stuff down for me and teach me things and such. That was definitely a miracle for me, because everytime I meet someone who speaks Russian, I ask them for advice or tips or anything and no one ever takes the time to teach me anything. They always just say to keep practicing and that's it. This guy actually was sincere and willing to help me! And then his wife came back and was really impressed too! They were such a nice couple! I was really really grateful for that brother! And my Russian and Spanish are coming along great! I wish I could learn all languages! 

Well, it really has been raining miracles here this week. I'm keeping my head up!! It's now week 5 of the transfer and so we need to pull through and end this transfer really well. I'm nervous! I have no feelings about what next transfer will be and where I will go. I hope I stay in the visitors' center! We shall see! 

Oh yeah! And for Elder Cook, we met over in San Bruno, so I got to drive across the Bay Bridge and go to San Francisco!! SO MANY HOUSES EVERYWHERE!! I kind of felt like I was in Korea again! It was an exciting experience though! I didn't get any pictures though. 

Anyway, that's all for now. I love you all so much family!!! I can't believe I've actually survived this long and that I'm on a mission! When I was younger, even before my mission, I felt like I never would get old enough to decide to go on a mission. I still can't believe I'm on a mission sometimes! The Lord is great. This gospel is great. The church is so true!!

Thanks for all your love and support family. I love you all so much. Miss you much too!!!

Love you! La quiero! я любит вас!! 사랑해요!!! 

--Sister Kim/Hermana Kim/Сестра Ким/김 자매

feb 3, 2014

Hey familia,

My week wasn't too eventful this past week. We only taught 3 lessons, two of them were with active members to just get to know them and such. The other one was with our investigator. The rest of ours was busy with classes, work, and agency just gets in the way!! GAH. But we've received a handful of referrals and potentials and we're trying to get a hold of them. 

This email really is going to be short because nothing has happened. The state fasted for rain yesterday. California this summer is going to be in the biggest drought in over 100 years if we don't get more rain soon. If we don't get rain we're going to have to start shipping in water. Farmers are selling their livestock because they can't take care of them because they're lacking water. Crazy right? We woke up to a good rain yesterday though. My first thought was "The church is true!" haha. And our testimony meeting yesterday was really great -- everyone ended up bearing testimony about having patience and enduring trials. How fitting it was for the past few weeks we've had! We're really trying our hardest to help this ward grow and bring people to the gospel. 

The visitors' center has been a little slower, too, but everyone says that this is the slower time of the year. This time of the year and when the temple closes for a month and a half in the summer time. But it's still always having miracles all around! The person I've been keeping in contact with over email had to push her baptism back, but she's getting baptized this week for sure! She and her son are going to! I got her phone number from her and talked to her vocally this past week too. It was a little awkward because we didn't have anything to talk about but it was awesome! I'm so excited!!

Did I mention the Cambodian investigator too? If not, she's getting baptized on the 23rd of this month! She came into the VC with the Cambodian elders and long story short, the elders waited for her as we took her around because they didn't have a third male and we committed her to baptism! It was the most amazing experience ever! And luckily I see and talk to the Cambodian elders all the time, so I keep in contact with her through the phone and then ask them how she's doing as well. 
And funny side note, of the elders is from North Ogden and the other is from Provo, but originally Korean. I had a quick connection with both of them ha. 

Anyway, that's pretty much it. Just praying a lot for rain! It's crazy because it's definitely a sign of the second coming, but we still want to survive!
GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH. I'm so excited if you can't tell!!!!!! 
Ok, well that's about it for me. Like I said, not much has happened besides that. 

Well, I love you family. I hope you're well. Stay healthy, eat right, and exercise!! Pray for snow and rain for Utah and California! I hear Utah doesn't have snow either... :( 
I love you family so much. I miss you guys. I hate telling people how long I've been out on my mission now because it's already coming around the corner.... :( 
Ok, until next week. Love you.

--Sister Kim

PS With Chinese New Year last Friday, we had a ward party and made some 만두
And here's one of the many beautiful sunsets in Oakland, California....

jan 27, 2014

Hi Family!!!

So first off, great news.
Next week, we're having a special mission-wide conference just for us full-time missionaries in our mission. Guess who's coming to speak to us.....


WHAT. How exciting is that? it's not for anyone but us! I'm totally pumped. I get to be in the same room and be spoken to by an apostle of God!! How wonderful!!! There are 250+ missionaries in our mission, but still. Compare that number to how many people are in the world....we're REALLY lucky :) 

Anyway, this past week ended on a really great note. We were on exchanges and Sister Campos and Sister Chipana (my old companion) were in Berkeley on our full-proselyting day (which means they don't serve in the VC that day) on a Saturday. We scheduled so many appointments that day and they met all of them but two! And we added two new investigators and taught our investigators this week! After weeks and weeks of nothing and working hard and hard, the Lord blessed us in our endurance and labor. We still have a few potential investigators to contact as well. This week is pretty full as well. We must continue being obedient and positive and faithful to the Lord in this missionary work! 

I also just need to say again that I'm so grateful to be serving in the Visitors' Center. What a blessing it has been to be there and still be there! I think if I served in the Visitors' Center my whole mission, that would be the best blessing ever. 
I have extended baptismal commitments to people multiple times the past couple of weeks and have committed people to be baptized. One of them was an investigator for the Cambodian-speaking elders and they were so surprised because they've been trying to meet and have her come to church in general. And she's wanting to get baptized! 
Another story is I was on a chat online through a long time ago with a woman who was excommunicated from the church. She wanted to meet with missionaries again and get active once more and so I kept in contact with her and answered questions for her and everything. Long story short, she is supposed to get baptized this weekend! She and her son! I'm so happy to hear that! 
There's a couple more exciting stories that are in progression, too. The Visitors' Center really is full of the spirit and can testify of the truth of the gospel to everyone who comes in! I love it! I really hope I stay in the Visitors' Center for longer. 

That's about it though for this week. Nothing much stands out to me. My Spanish is just picking up though!! Hurray!! I'm still struggling to form sentences correctly, but I'm understanding what people are saying better than ever. And I just need to understand them with heavy accents ha. 

Anyway, gotta go now family. I love you lots and miss you lots. I hope you're all well and happy. I pray for you all all the time. 

By the way dad, do you happen to know a Lynn Poulsen who was an administrator at Utah State? He worked there for 30 years and he was in charge of financial, graduation, etc. He said he knew people with the last name of Kim so I'm just curious. He's our new visitors' center director. 

Also, sister and Nelson, Elder Clement (our old VC director) and I talked about Bethanne and how the Clements know Bethanne and Elder Clement is actually the one who baptized Bethanne's husband over in Europe. He shared the story with me and it's awesome! Such a small world. 

Oh and dad, do you know the DeLange's in our stake? Dr. DeLange is a doctor here in our mission and his parents live either in or by the retirement home community that's behind Manor Care. Another small world moment. I described to him where our house is and he knew where that was! I had a hurt elbow a while ago and had to go to the doctors. I ran my shoulder into a pole when we were running one morning and it happened to hurt my elbow more than my shoulder. BUT! do not worry family I'm totally fine!!

Ok, I'm going to send you all pictures and then I'm going to head out. I've been here for too long and my fingers hurt. 
Love you family so much. I miss you all a lot! But I wouldn't give up this mission for anything! I LOVE IT HERE!!! 
Love you!!

--Sister Kim

Sunday, January 26, 2014

I haven't blogged for my sister in so long...

So i will post her most recent email and vow to post every email every week for the rest of her mission! here is her email from last week!

Hey family. 

Ah....why did my debit card have to be stolen?!?!? This is my second time in my life that this has happened! Man....thanks for all your help though family. And don't worry about me and money. I'm really going to be fine.
Anyway, I'm out of time right now, but I just wanted to send an email to you all. Sorry there isn't a nice long email, but....not much happened unfortunately. It was a slow and disappointing week. But we will not get discouraged. We will keep working! Agency may get in the way sometimes, but it'll all work out in the end. 

Ok, really gotta go now. I love you family!!
--Sister Kim

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sept. 19

Hi family!!!

I'm actually going to send a quick email to you all because I'm going to have P-day on Monday, so in like 4 days. And not much has been happening for me in the past couple of days. Just teaching a couple people, going to institute with our investigators, getting fed there, going to FHE, and loving the YSA ward!!

Working with people my age is a little weird still, but it's so much fun! And they make the missionary work so much easier. I love that they do their own missionary work and then refer their friends to us. It's such a blessing to be here in Berkeley! And I love this campus and school! It's really tempting to consider transferring or something after my mission haha. 

But the people are so nice!! We also had stake conference this past Sunday and it was awesome. And!! We went to the temple this morning! AH! So good! The new movie is phenomenal. The church really knows what they're doing :)

Anyway, I gotta run, but I'll tell you more stuff on Monday!! Love you so much family! Hope you enjoy the pictures!!!

--Sister Kim

PS What is mom's church calling again? And just curious, have you sold my car?